Breakout – 65th Anniversary Edition

Welcome to this special edition of Breakout

In this edition, we bring together highlights of our 65th Sapphire Anniversary celebrations to share with you.

Introduction from Ali Hancock – Head of Communications

From June onwards we have enjoyed what I can only describe as an extravaganza of events, homing in on what it means to be Langley, and thanking God for His faithful provision over so many decades. We have thought long and hard about what comes next, and I invite you to keep reading to learn more about this.

Christmas will be here before we know it and we have some exciting plans afoot to celebrate this key time in our calendar. As always we are both thankful for and continuing to seek your support for the work we deliver. We believe that everyone deserves another chance and are so grateful to partner with supporters who share our values and uphold our mission. We could not deliver this work as effectively without you, so once again, thank you for your faithful and kind support.

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